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World Book Day | The Enormous Crocodile

I present to you, The Enormous Crocodile('s head and part of his back)

Even though I had a months notice... I still had to rush a bit as I, even though I had read otherwise, believed it was in fact next week 🤦🏻‍♀️

I just thought I'd photo dump these in case it helps anyone else who may have forgotten, or is just generally a bit late.

Card, tape, glue gun and some green black and white paint.

I made a little hat thing that fits on my boys head to start so that I could build the croc around it.

I'd say that a glue gun is essential.... well, for quickness anyway. This took me a few of hours. I would have been crying by now with out the glue gun 🤣🤣

I can leave instructions (although I kinda winged it) just holla


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